The Nolan N60-6 is a great full face helmet by Nolan for Urban/Street riders. Compared to any other style helmets, full face helmets provide the best overall protection as they cover you from top to chin. This is why you only ever see full face helmets on the track. When deciding on a new helmet and safety is your top priority you cannot go wrong with a full face helmet.
A helmet’s job first and foremost is to provide protection. Constructed from Polycarbonate, this Multicolor N60-6 offers excellent protection and performance without having to break the bank. The chinstrap is an important part of the helmet’s effectiveness in a crash and It is also the part that you interact with the most when putting on and taking off the helmet. The N60-6 features a Micrometric buckle. This is a safe and user friendly buckle, it allows for easy adjustments and unlike any other style of buckles you can actually operate this buckle with your gloves on. Of course all of our helmets are certified and road legal for European roads as this helmet is ECE 22.06 approved. This safety rating is also road legal in many other countries like Australia and Canada.